Drinking and Driving Facts Drunk driving still remains a serious problem throughout our country. While state and federal governments have enacted a variety of laws to discourage and punish drunk driving, one of the best ways to prevent drunk driving is to understand the facts and figures surrounding alcohol-impaired driving. This is not a means […]
Can You Refuse A Breathalyzer Test?
Can You Refuse A Breathalyzer Test? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatalities from drunk driving have gone down by about one-third over the last decade, but drunk driving still remains a significant problem. Over 10,000 people die in drunk driving incidents every year in the United States, and about 29 people die […]
How Long is Your License Suspended for a DUI?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 28 people die every single day from motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol-impaired driving. That equates to about one death every 51 minutes. Furthermore, alcohol-related crashes cost the nation over $44 billion annually. DUI laws have become some of the most effective tools in discouraging […]
Is A DUI a Felony or Misdemeanor?
Impaired driving remains a significant problem throughout the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 28 people die every single day in the United States in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol impaired driver. That equates to about one death every 51 minutes. Alcohol-related crashes also present a huge burden […]
What Is A DUI?
Drunk driving remains one of the most serious problems currently plaguing the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10,265 people died in drunk driving incidents in 2015, which accounted for almost a third of all traffic-related deaths in the country. The CDC estimates that 28 people die in motor vehicle […]