Can Mouthwash Fail an Interlock Device Test? Have you recently been found guilty of a DUI or DWI and ordered by the local court to install an ignition interlock device in your car? If so, you likely do not want to do anything that will result in a violation of the law or extension of […]
Recent News
DUI Checkpoints: Are They Effective?
DUI Checkpoints: Are They Effective? Sobriety checkpoints, commonly referred to as a DUI checkpoint, are a law enforcement undertaking meant to reduce instances of impaired driving that are regularly seen in most states. While most of us have seen, been through, or heard of a sobriety checkpoint being used, many of us don’t have a […]
How Long After Drinking Can You Use An Ignition Interlock?
How Long After Drinking Can You Use an Ignition Interlock Device? Impaired driving remains a significant issue in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over one million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or controlled substances in 2016. However, this represents only about […]
What is a DUI Checkpoint?
It takes one small decision to change your entire life. Whether you’ve been out with friends or enjoying post-work happy hour, choosing to drink and drive can come with some serious consequences. Every single day, about 29 people die in car crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver. That equates to about one (very preventable) death every […]
What Happens at a DUI Checkpoint?
Despite some preventative tools and steps, drunk driving still remains one of the most prevalent problems in the United States. In 2016, nearly 10,500 people were killed in crashes involving alcohol impairment, which accounted for about 28 percent of all traffic-related deaths in the country that year. Over a million drivers were arrested for driving […]
How to Choose the Best Interlock Device: A Helpful Guide
How to Choose the Best Interlock Device: A Helpful Guide In the fight against drunk driving, states have implemented a variety of laws and tools to curb the potential consequences that come with driving under the influence, including injuries, death, and damage to property. Effective strategies have included: Enforcing existing laws for 0.08 percent BAC […]