Lowest Cost Ignition Interlock

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Ignition Interlock Device Laws in Connecticut
Low Cost Interlock offers the most affordable service for installing an ignition interlock device in CT. You will find dozens of ignition interlock device installation locations through Connecticut, ensuring that you can find the service, tools, and troubleshooting you need wherever you are. Our goal is to make the process of installing and using an ignition interlock system as convenient as possible.
Guidelines for an Ignition Interlock Device in CT
Connecticut laws state that anyone who has been arrested for a DUI violation may be ordered to not operate a motor vehicle unless it is equipped with an alcohol ignition interlock system. Anyone convicted of a DUI must serve a license suspension of up to 45 days or until they turn 21 (whichever is longer). After this suspension period, you are required to install an ignition interlock device for one to three years based on prior drunk driving offenses. For first offenses, you are prohibited from driving a vehicle without an ignition interlock device for 1 year. For a second offense that happens within 10 years of your first offense, you may not be allowed to operate a vehicle without an approved IID in CT for up to 3 years.
After your interlock device installation, you must bring the vehicle to the installer every 30 days to re-calibrate the ignition interlock device. Failure to do so will lead to a suspension of your license. Any tampering with the ignition interlock system, either by trying to remove it without authorization or having another person blow into it, will also lead to a suspension.
Learn more about Connecticut’s ignition interlock device program here.
Connecticut DUI Penalties
For first-time offenders
A DUI can lead to jail time of two days to six months with up to $1,000 in fines.
A second offense
Can result in a jail sentence of 120 days to two years and a fine of up to $4,000.
Third and subsequent offenses
Can lead to up to 3 years of jail time and $8,000 in fines.
You may also be required to serve up to 100 hours of community service. Second and third offenses may also lead to vehicle confiscation or impounding or a permanent license suspension.
For more information on Connecticut’s DUI laws and penalties click here.
General Information
Connecticut’s Drunk Driving Law
Operating Under the Influence (OUI)
In Connecticut, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is a criminal offense. This offense may be prosecuted with or without any direct evidence of a person’s BAC. The determining factor is whether a person’s ability to drive has been impaired.
Driving is a privilege, and under Connecticut’s Implied Consent Law any person who operates a motor vehicle is presumed to have given his or her consent to a test to determine blood alcohol concentration (BAC).You are legally intoxicated if your BAC is .08 or above. If you are under 21 years of age, you are legally intoxicated at a .02 BAC or higher.
Any amount of alcohol will affect your driving ability. Alcohol’s effect is magnified by emotions, physical condition, use of prescription drugs or other types of drugs, some over-the-counter medications and some herbal supplements.
If you are arrested for Operating Under the Influence (OUI):
- You will be detained by the police and read your rights.
- Your vehicle will be towed at your expense.
- You will be transported to the police station in a police cruiser.
- If the test registers a BAC of .08 or higher, you will be held on the presumption that you were operating under the influence.
- You will be kept in a police lock-up until you are bailed out.
There are two ways to lose your license: