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Ignition Interlock Device Laws in Utah
Low Cost Interlock is a leading provider and installer of affordable ignition interlock devices in Utah. We are dedicated to making the process as easy as possible, ensuring that you have the information and tools you need every step of the way. We have ignition interlock device installation locations in many cities throughout Utah. Our 24/7 bilingual staff is available to answer all of the questions you may have.
Utah Interlock Device Guidelines
In Utah, all first-time offenders are required to install an ignition interlock device as a condition of probation and may not operate any vehicles without an interlock device installed. Furthermore, your license will be suspended for the duration of this period with an interlock device in Utah.
If your blood alcohol concentration was 0.16 or more, the court may also order professional treatment. Depending on the case, the court may order home confinement using electronic monitoring along with an ignition interlock device as a condition of probation.
As of May 2016, you will have your driving privileges suspended if you have an ignition interlock restriction. You can clear an ignition interlock device suspension by:
- Paying a reinstatement fee and, if you do not plan to operate a vehicle, providing electronic verification that you do not have your vehicle registered under your name.
- Paying a reinstatement fee and providing an electronic notification from the ignition interlock system provider to show proof that the device was properly installed in your vehicle.
- Paying the reinstatement fee and verifying that you do not own a vehicle in Utah if you are not a resident of the state.
Trying to remove an interlock device in Utah before the end of your suspension will lead to a re-suspension until you pay another reinstatement fee and install a new ignition interlock device.
Utah DUI Penalties
For a first offense in Utah, your license will be suspended for 120 days or 18 months if you refuse chemical testing. If you are under the age of 21, your suspension period may be anywhere from six months to two years. Subsequent DUI offenses can lead to a two-year suspension or a 36-month suspension if you do not submit a chemical test.
Click here to learn more about Utah’s DUI laws and penalties.
General Information
If you were ARRESTED for DUI, what happens next (some or all may apply):
- Your vehicle was more than likely impounded, click here to find out how to retrieve an impounded vehicle.
- You should request a hearing within ten (10) days and fax the form to the Driver License Division at 801.964.4499, or email to DLDUI@utah.gov.
- You may seek legal counsel to represent you in your driver license hearing and also your court appearance.
- Your privilege to drive may be withdrawn on the 45th day after the date of arrest.
- Any person being convicted of a DUI alcohol violation will be ignition interlock restricted. If under 21 at the time of arrest it is for three (3) years; if 21 and older it is for 18 months.
- Alcohol restricted driver information, read if you have been convicted or suspended or revoked.
**It is important to understand that there are two sides to every DUI arrest. The administrative side of the arrest is dealing with the Utah Driver License Division; the criminal side of the arrest is dealing with the court in the county of arrest. One or both sides may take action. Stay informed by requesting your DLD hearing (within 10 days of arrest) and talking with the hearing officer.
Suspension times will vary depending on age and number of offense
Driver 21 or older at the time of arrest, the following suspension periods will be imposed for a first offense:
- Per-Se arrest – 120 days
- Refuse to submit to a chemical test resulting in an Administrative revocation – 18 months
- A conviction for a refusal to submit to a chemical test – 18 months
Driver 21 or older and has a second or subsequent arrests, the following suspension periods will be:
- Per-Se arrest – 2 years
- Refuse to submit to a chemical test resulting in an Administrative revocation – 36 months
- A conviction for a refusal to submit to a chemical test – 36 months
Driver under the age of 21 the suspension periods for drivers based on actions for a Per-Se arrest under UCA 53-3-223 or a Not-a-Drop arrest under UCA 53-3-231.
Suspension periods for DUI and metabolite court convictions will remain the same; however, the individual may petition the court for a shortening of the suspension period for a first offense for a violation of 41-6a-502 (DUI) or 41-6a-517 (metabolite) if certain conditions have been met.
Driver under the age of 21 at the time of arrest and refuses to submit to a chemical test resulting in an Administrative revocation, the license will be revoked until the person is 21 years of age or for a period of two (2) years, whichever is longer. A conviction for a refusal to submit to a chemical test will result in a revocation for a period of two (2) years or until the person is 21 years of age, whichever is longer.
Driver under the age of 21 at the time of arrest, the following suspension periods will be imposed for a first offense:
- Not-a-Drop arrest – six (6) month suspension effective 30 days from arrest date
- Per-Se arrest – six (6) month suspension effective 30 days from arrest date
The court can reduce the driver license suspension period for a second or subsequent minor alcohol consumption or possession suspension or minor in a bar suspension if the person certifies to the court that they have not consumed alcohol for a concurrent period of at least one (1) year during the suspension period. Must have a court order for reduction of the suspension.
An individual who has had their license suspended or denied for a Not-a-Drop Arrest (driving with a detectable amount of alcohol in the body) is required to obtain an assessment and recommendation for appropriate action from a substance abuse program in order to reinstate their driver license.
An individual can request an assessment through the local substance abuse authority programs. If the assessment results in no further recommendation by the Local Substance Abuse Authority, the assessment will be accepted for license reinstatement once the suspension period is over.
If the Local Substance Abuse Authority recommends further action such as education or treatment, the recommended action must be completed prior to reinstatement of the license, and both the assessment from the Local Substance Abuse Authority and evidence of completion of the recommendations must be submitted to the division prior to reinstatement of the license.
The Division will also accept evidence of completion of a Prime for Life DUI class in lieu of an assessment and completion from the Local Substance Abuse Authority. Please visit the Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health web page for a list of agencies certified to provide the prime for life DUI class.